Installation made of old shirts, donated by local people..
Collezione Maramotti, Reggio Emilia 2012..Curator Marina Dacci, Photo Dario Lasagni
Installation made of Finnish toilet paper. First version of this work was on show 1997 in Fiskars Finland
Installation made of Finnish toilet paper.
Men´s ties.
Two commissions by Brighton Festival and Fabrica.
The Blue Route at Fabrica and Time Passing By at the Clocktower in the city centre.
Curators Liz Whitehead and Michael Rosen
Site specific installation in two parts, made of recycled shirts from local people. Comission by Centro Pecci
A commission by Brighton Festival 2013 and Fabrica Gallery.
The other installation Blue Route was inside Fabrica Gallery.
Curators Michael Rosen, Liz Whitehead
Installation made of donated shirts, forming two wings at the aiport in Buffalo. Commission by Albright Knox Art Gallery
Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.Santiago, Chile. 2013.
Curators: Julia P. Herzberg, Maria Josè Bunster
This installation was in the Museum of Memory and Human Rights
Installation made of everyday objects which belonged to Kaarina´s mother who passed away.
installation made of things that belonged to Kaarinas mother who passed away
An old dancing shoe, a spoon. Serie of sculptures made of women´s dancing shoes
Sculpture made of an used dancing shoe
An old dancing shoe, a spoon
Used old dancing shoes, spoons. Solo exhibition in Charlottenborg, Copenhagen Denmark in 2006
There is a fish head inside the shoes.
A huge boat in two parts. Made of shirts, donated by Washington people.
A commission by the Kennedy Center for the NORDIC COOL festival 2013.
Curators Gilda Almeida, Alicia Adams
Installation made of donated shirts from Washington area. A form of a huge boat, in two parts.
The Hall of Nations, Kennedy Center Washington DC USA
Installation made of childrenś dresses and shirts, donated by families in Rome area